Having written over 20 books and having edited "Gospel News" magazine for over 20 years, Duncan says that he sees his writing and preaching as merely sowing seed- God's seed, insofar as his writing is a presentation of God's word, the Bible. He feels unable to change anyone by his own argument or words- but is rather simply presenting to them the direct teaching of the Bible, stripped of all human theology and tradition. This has led him to reject popular Christian doctrines such as the trinity, immortal soul, a personal devil, hell as a place of eternal fire. But in their place he presents the real Christ, as Son of God, son of man, Lord and Saviour; who has opened the way to resurrection from the dead in God's Kingdom. Duncan Heaster is married to Cindy and they have a young family. They are well known as Christadelphians, and operate Carelinks Ministries.
Testimony: When I was a kid, I was in the Baptist Church. I used to have a terrible fear of the Devil, Demons, Judgment and Hell. As a youth, when I struggled with sin, I thought that perhaps a demon was attempting to poses's me to do wrong. I had a fear that when I died, I'd go to a burning hell. When I learned the truth about what hell really is [i.e. just the grave], and also the truth about demons and the devil, I realized that I was personally responsible for my actions. As I've grown older, and studied the word more, I realize that a proper understanding of the devil & demons is very, very important. The past few years I've been challenged by friends who do believe in the devil. I've delved into this subject from a biblical perspective, and now believe that some people actually elevate the Devil & Satan to a godlike status. If the 'Devil' tempts each of us, he must be omnipresent. Well, omnipresence is a Divine attribute! I also believe that some blame the Devil for things that God is responsible for: such as floods, earthquakes, death, etc. Some Christians actually believe the Devil does these things. I think it's dangerous to give a false god (the Devil) credit for things that God does. So, I think that this book is a good project. I think it's a very important thing for people to come to understand.
Mike W (Vancouver, WA, USA)
See more. Read more. http://www.realdevil.info/ »
Waw! This is a great message from that man. It sounds like reformed.
Yes, he is. I came upon his teaching last year and have few things have his book (pdf) also available to you if you or anyone else would like it.
We all are comeing together at Norbert and Monikas House on Saturday. From Linz and Lienz and Archim from Wien. I will ask them if one would like to have a Book. How much wuld it cost?
I got for free (PDF) so it is free.
Well, thank you I would love to have one.
Will be happy to send a free hard copy to anyone seriously interested, just email me the address to send to: dh@heaster.org
You can see the movie about the subject and other stuff at http://www.realdevil.info
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